Neuropathy Case Studies & Testimonials

Case 1: Treatment program: 3/8/2024 – 4/17/2024

Patient is a 72-year-old male with chronic low back pain and neuropathy pain in both feet. He has had numbness and tingling in his left foot for over a year and in his right foot for the past month. He reports having difficulty standing at work and will have significant foot pain by the end of the day. He started treatment on 3/8/2024 and was seen three times a week for six weeks. He was treated with chiropractic adjustments, decompression therapy and high intensity laser therapy. Before he began treatment, he rated his pain a 9/10 and had some painful range of motion. He had significant deficits in his ability to feel vibration and in some areas, he couldn’t feel pin prick and soft touch in any areas of legs and feet. At the halfway point he had improvements in all three sensations, seeing the best changes in his right side. By the end of treatment, he rated his pain a 0/10 and had no pain with range of motion. He could feel soft touch, vibration, and pin prick in nearly all locations on his legs and feet.

Case 2: Treatment program: 1/2/2024 – 2/14/2024

A 68-year-old male came to us with neuropathy after being diagnosed and treated for multiple myeloma. After treatment with radical chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant, his cancer went into remission. However, the cancer treatment caused him to develop neuropathy in his upper and lower extremities. His fingers and toes were constantly cold, and he would sometimes have numbness and pain in his arms and legs. He also had an injury to his low back from lifting something heavy and has two compression fractures in his spine. With consent from his oncologist, the patient was treated with high intensity laser therapy for his upper and lower extremities three times a week for six weeks. He also used a Rebuilder on his hands and feet at home twice a day, 30 minutes at a time. Adjustments were not a part of his treatment plan because of his history. His first neuropathy exam was on 11/21/2023 but he delayed the start of his treatment until 1/2/2024. At the initial exam he had loss of soft touch in his feet, pin prick in his feet and hands, and vibration in his arms, legs, and feet. He also had some spots on his feet where he couldn’t feel anything at all. At the midway exam he regained soft touch sensation in his upper and lower extremities and had some improvements in vibration and pin prick. Throughout the treatment the patient reported that his hands and feet gradually felt warmer. At the final exam, his ability to feel vibration had improved significantly and pin prick greatly improved to nearly 100% and he regained his ability to feel all soft touch in his arms and legs.

Case 3: Treatment program: 1/31/2024 – 2/26/2024

An 81-year-old male has had diabetes since 1998 and diabetic neuropathy since 2016. His neuropathy has progressively worsened over the years and most of his symptoms were from his knees down to his feet. The pain in his legs and feet would wake him up at night and he relied on medication to keep his symptoms under control. He also had balance problems because of his neuropathy and could not stand without his walker for more than a few seconds. The patient has a history of low back pain and has had two lower back surgeries. His treatment plan consisted of high intensity laser therapy, chiropractic adjustments and decompression therapy. He was seen three times a week for six weeks and used a Rebuilder on his feet at home twice a day, 30 minutes at a time. At the first exam he had significantly reduced range of motion in his low back and rated his leg and foot pain a 10/10 at worst. He had significant deficits in soft touch, vibration and pin prick, and had almost complete loss of all feeling in his feet. At his halfway exam he had significant improvement in all areas and regained most sensation in his legs with just a few remaining spots where he couldn’t feel vibration or pin prick. At the final exam he regained vibratory sensation in all areas. He can now feel all soft touch in 100% of his legs and feet and nearly all pin prick sensations. His range of motion improved, and he rated the pain in his legs and feet a 1-2/10. His balance also improved throughout treatment, and he can now walk without his walker in his home.

Case 4: Treatment program 12/14/2022 – 2/6/2023

A 66-year-old male presented with alcohol-induced neuropathy. Pain and symptoms had been present for more than 10 years. Alcohol use stopped; pain continued. The patient described the pain as constant, often getting up to 10/10. He said at times it felt as though fireworks were going off in his feet and lower legs. He reported being unable to walk on hardwood floors due to the pain and had started tripping on his feet at times. During his initial exam, his vibration, soft touch, and pin prick sensations were decreased sporadically throughout his thighs, legs, and feet. The patient was treated with high intensity laser therapy three times per week for six weeks. He used Rebuilder therapy at home twice per day. At the midpoint exam, he had restored complete feeling in his legs and feet. At the visit after the midpoint exam, he stated that he was completely pain-free. He can now walk on hardwood floors without pain and has remained free of neuropathy pain since.

See what our patients are saying about us!

"My first appointment was November 8th. I had pins, aches, numbness, and needles in my feet and legs. I have had a bad back and surgery with numbness always on my right side to my toes. After six appointments with Dr. Mary, I started to get feeling in my legs. She used laser and performed chiropractic care on my back, neck, legs, and feet. I went three times a week for a total of 18 treatments. Now I am doing better with no pain, tingling, and numbness. I can walk without stumbling or staggering. Thanks Dr. Mary and family for getting me there!"

- Rose F.

"My hands feel better since using the rebuilder with my neuropathy laser treatment. They used to be so sensitive, I would have to wear gloves when using my hands. Pain in my feet is also so much better. I used to get shooting pains in my feet and I don’t get them anymore. The pain isn’t waking me from my sleep anymore."

- Ron R.

"I was having numbness in my feet and legs, along with balance issues and trouble walking and standing very long. I was also feeling coldness in my feet. Since I have been [doing] laser therapy, I have seen a huge improvement! My legs and feet feel more alive! I am surer of myself when I stand to walk. Thank you, Dr. Mary, and her staff. You’ve been great!"

- Connie H.

"I was having to get up 3 times a night because of pain in my feet. Once in a while, my back would be sore. My feet would feel better after I got up and walked around a little bit, but now they don’t hurt at all, and they never wake me up."

- Susan M.

"When I first came in, my feet were warm and always numb. Now I can walk around the mall without sitting down or stopping. Getting up and down is much easier. My back also feels great, and no longer hurts. My feet are no longer numb, or warm to the touch. I feel great!"

- Willard H.

"Between 2017 and 2018, I started getting cramps in my legs and my feet were always ice cold. I would get cramps every time I stood, and they would last about 10 minutes. I would have to keep a heated blanket on my feet because they were constantly freezing, even in the summertime. My heart doctor said it was because of bad blood flow. I had stents put in both legs to improve the blood flow so the cramps would stop and so my feet weren’t cold but there wasn’t any improvement. I saw the neuropathy ad in the paper and decided to go into Agape clinic to speak with Dr. Mary about my symptoms. I found out I have neuropathy in my legs and feet. The treatment has even helped the arthritis in my back. The cramps in my legs happen once in a while after walking a lot, but when they happen, they aren’t as intense and last less than a minute. I’ve also seen improvement in my feet. I don’t have to use the heating blanket anymore because they aren’t cold. Every week, I look forward to seeing the staff. The girls are wonderful to me, and they offer such a welcoming environment. I’m very happy with the results I’ve seen so far, and this has been the best decision I have made."

- Gene V.

"I was a little hesitant to begin with, but after the first couple treatments I was seeing results. The pain in my feet was so bad at times that it would bring tears to my eyes. With laser treatment, my pain is almost gone and the swelling is going down. The pain in my left knee is from a case of staff infection after surgery. Scar tissue is surrounding the kneecap, not letting the knee bend properly, but with the laser and rebuilder, it feels 100% better. Well worth the time!"

- Tom B.

"In May 2022, I had five vertebrae fused in my lower back. I ended up with neuropathy in both of my feet. It was unbearable at times! During the day it was like I had balloons on my feet that shot out pain constantly. I was at a loss! I saw an advertisement in the local shopper for the Laser Therapy at ACLC. I scheduled an appointment, and after the first evaluation I decided to go ahead with the treatment. I had 18 sessions of Laser Therapy along with chiropractic manipulation. It was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time! Dr. Mary is wonderful! She is deeply knowledgeable in all aspects of neuropathy and my treatments have helped me immensely. My goal is to get back to hunting and fishing the way I was before my surgery, and with their help I am well on my way."

- Doug B.


8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Agapē Chiropractic Laser Clinic

513 Court St
Williamsburg, IA 52361

(319) 668-8196